March 11, 2025. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Imran Ur Rahman, Leshan Normal University, China, Assoc. Prof. Asif Ali Safeer, Huanggang Normal University, China, Dr. Genanew B.Worku, Universiy of Dubai, UAE, and Asst. Prof. Min Cao, University of Northern Colorado, USA to join the conference committee! (Click)
July 25, 2024. News! The 2024 14th International Conference on Business and Economics Research was successfully held in Beijing, China, from July 19-21, 2024. (Click)
June 23, 2024. News! Prof. Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips from the University of Saint Joseph (USJ), China, has confirmed her speech title!(Click)
June 19, 2024. News! Prof. Assoc. Prof. Fang Zhao, Siena College, USA, has confirmed her speech title! (Click)
June 18, 2024. News! Welcome Prof. Assoc. Prof. Fang Zhao, Siena College, USA to be the Invited Speaker of ICBER 2024! (Click)
May 14, 2024. News! Welcome Prof. Boo Ho Voon, Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak, Malaysia, has confirmed his speech title! (Click)
May 13, 2024. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Shu Yu, Dalian Polytechnic University, China, has confirmed her speech title!(Click)
May 10, 2024. News! Welcome Prof. Boo Ho Voon, Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak, Malaysia to be the Invited Speaker of ICBER 2024! (Click)
May 09, 2024. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Shu Yu, Dalian Polytechnic University, China to be the Invited Speaker of ICBER 2024! (Click)
April 26, 2024. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to May 20, 2024! (Click)
March 06, 2024. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Karoly Miklos Kiss, University of Pannonia, Hungary speech title is available! (Click)
March 04, 2024. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Karoly Miklos Kiss, University of Pannonia, Hungary to be the Invited Speaker of ICBER 2024! (Click)
October 31, 2023. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to February 28, 2024! (Click)
May 19, 2023. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to June 05, 2023! (Click)
May 16, 2023. News! Welcome Dr. Fathmath Muna, Management and Science University, Malaysia to join the conference committee! (Click)
May 09, 2023. News! Welcome Dr. Norhidayah Azman, Management and Science University, Malaysia, Senior Lecture Dr. Ning Wu, Brunel University London, UK and Dr. MADURANGA PUSHPIKA KUMARA WITHANAWASAM, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (SJP), Sri Lanka and to join the conference committee! (Click)
April 21, 2023. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to May 20, 2023! (Click)
March 21, 2023. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to April 20, 2023! (Click)
Februray 22, 2023. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to March 20, 2023! (Click)
January 21, 2023. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to February 20, 2023! (Click)
May 23, 2022. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to June 05, 2022! (Click)
April 20, 2022. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to May 20, 2022(Click)
March 21, 2022. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to April 20, 2022! (Click)
February 11, 2022. News! In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to March 20, 2022! (Click)
October 01, 2021. News! 2022 12th International Conference on Business and Economics Research will be held in Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China during July 16-18, 2022.
May 26, 2021. News! The submission deadline has been extended to June 10, 2021 (final). Welcome to submit the articles to the conference.(Click)
April 26, 2021. News! The submission deadline has been extended to May 25, 2021. Welcome to submit the articles to the conference.(Click)
April 09, 2021. News! Welcome Prof. Erni Tanius,Prof. Kelvin Leong, Assoc. Prof. Yang Hao-Wei, Dr. Dickson K.W. Chiu and Dr. Ryle S. Perera and to join the conference committee! (Click)
March 21, 2021. News! The submission deadline has been extended to April 25, 2021. Welcome to submit the articles to the conference.(Click)
October 12, 2020. News! ICBER 2021 will be held at Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China during July 17-19, 2021!
April 26, 2020. News! The submission deadline has been extended to May 25, 2020. Welcome to submit the articles to the conference.(Click)
February 28, 2020. News! Online/ Video Presentation are acceptable on ICBER 2020.
January 11, 2020. News! Welcome Prof. Lampros Stergioulas, University of Surrey, UK to join the Technical Committees group.
December 13, 2019. News! The submission deadline is extended to March 25, 2020. Welcome to submit your paper. (Click)
September 11, 2019. News! With the sucess of ICBER 2019, sponsored by Beijing University of Technology, ICBER 2020 will be held in Grand Gongda Jianguo Hotel from July 15-17, 2019. (Click)
July 13, 2019. News! The conference program is ready now, pelase download it. (Click)
July 08, 2019. News! Due to the limitation on number of conference rooms, we change the conference hotel to Beijing Guangxi Hotel Plaza (北京广西大厦), which is about 2.5km from Grand Gongda Jianguo Hotel (北京工大建国饭店), 7mins by taxi. (Click)
June 28, 2019. News! Welcome Prof. Andrew Lepone from Macquarie University, Australia to deliver the keynote speech at ICBER 2019. (Click)
April 26, 2019. News! The submission deadline has been extended to May 25, 2019. Welcome to submit the articles to the conference.(Click)
April 15, 2019. News! Welcome Prof. Lampros Stergioulas, Assoc. Prof. Taqadus Bashir and Senior Lecturer Tan Khay Boon etc. to join in the technical committee of ICBER 2019. (Click)
March 26, 2019. News! The submission deadline has been extended to April 25, 2019. Welcome to submit the articles to ICBER 2019. (Click)
February 13, 2019. News! Welcome Dr. Abraham K. Brown from Nottingham Trent University, UK to join in the conference technical committee. (Click)
December 17, 2018. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. George Shan from The University of Western Australia, Australia to deliver the keynote speech at ICBER 2019. (Click)
November 22, 2018. News! Welcome Prof. Zhai Dongsheng, Prof. Guorui Jiang, Prof. Shuangjie Li and Assoc. Prof. Haiying Ren to join in the conference committee. (Click)
November 12, 2018. News! ICBER 2019 will be held in Beijing University of Technology from July 15-17, 2019. (Click)
July 30, 2018. News!
The conference program is ready now. (Click)
July 18, 2018. News!
The speech titles and abstracts have been
updated for Prof. Tim Huh and Assoc. Prof. Bixia
July 16, 2018. News!
The speech titles and abstracts have been
updated for Prof. Basu D. Sharma and Assoc.
Prof. Tao Zeng.
June 20, 2018. News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Gupeng Zhang from
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
to join in the technical committee.
June 12, 2018. News!
Welcome Prof. Tim Huh to be the conference chair
and deliver a keynote speech at ICBER 2018.
May 01, 2018. News!
The submission deadline has been extended to
June 10, 2018.
Mar. 31, 2018. News!
The submission deadline has been extended to
April 2018. Welcome to submit your articles to
the conference.
Dec. 05, 2017. News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Jasmeet Lamba from O P
Jindal Global University, India to deliver an
invited speech at ICBER 2018.
Dec. 01, 2017. News!
Welcome Prof. Basu D. Sharma from University of
New Brunswick, Canada to be the conference chair
and deliver a keynote speech at ICBER 2018.
Nov. 03, 2017. News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Bixia Xu to be the local
conference chair and deliver a plenary speech at
ICBER 2018.
Nov. 02, 2017. News!
Welcome Prof. Tao Zeng to be the local
conference chair and deliver a keynote speech at
ICBER 2018.
Nov. 01, 2017. News!
ICBER 2018 will be held in Wilfrid Laurier
University, Waterloo, Canada during August
02-04, 2018. Welcome to submit manuscripts to
the conference.
Oct. 31, 2017. News!
ICBER 2017 has been held successfully in
Oct. 23, 2017. News!
The conference program is available now.
July 31, 2017.News!
Welcome Prof. Donald Chang from Metropolitan
State University of Denver, USA to deliver a
keynote speech at ICBER 2017.
May 17, 2017. News!
ICBER 2017 will be held in Jurys Inn Birmingham.
May 15, 2017. News!
Welcome Prof. Yixun Shi from Computer Science
and Statistics Bloomsburg University of
Pennsylvania, USA to deliver a keynote speech at
ICBER 2017.
Apr. 12, 2017. News!
Welcome Prof. Shaofeng Liu from Plymouth
University, UK to deliver a keynote speech at
ICBER 2017.
Jan. 11, 2017. News!
ICBER 2017 will be held in Birmingham, UK
and the submission is open.
Sept. 25, 2016. News!
ICBER 2016 has been successfully held in
Waterloo, Canada.
Sept. 2, 2016. News!
ICBER 2016 conference program is available now.(Click)
Aug. 18, 2016. News!
Welcome Prof. Kiyoshi Takahashi from Kobe
University, Japan to deliver a keynote speech in
ICBER 2016.
Jul. 19, 2016 News!
Welcome Prof. Dr K. V. Bhanu Murthy to join
ICBER 2016 technical committee.
Jul. 15, 2016 News!
Welcome Prof. Dr. Tatsushi Yamamoto and Dr.
Jasmeet Kaur Lamba to join ICBER 2016 technical
Jul. 1, 2016 News!
Welcome Prof. Dr Xiao Longjie to join
ICBER 2016 technical committee.
Jun. 6, 2016 News!
ICBER 2016 submission deadline has been extended
to July 5, 2016.
May. 18, 2016 News!
ICBER 2016 will be held in Holiday Inn
May. 6, 2016 News!
ICBER 2016 submission deadline has been extended
to June 5 2016.
Apr. 12, 2016 News!
Welcome Prof. Tim Huh from University of British
Columbia, Canada to give a keynote speech in
ICBER 2016.
Jan. 25, 2016 News!
ICBER 2016 submission is open.
Sep. 1, 2015 News!
ICBER 2015 conference program is available.
Jun. 11, 2015 News!
The paper submission deadline extends to July
10, 2015.
May. 25, 2015 News!
The ICBER 2015 conference venue is avialable
May. 11, 2015 News!
The paper submission deadline extends to June
10, 2015.
Mar. 23, 2015 News!
Welcome Prof. Edmund A. Marek, University of
Oklahoma, USA to deliver a keynote speech at the
Mar. 23, 2015 News!
Welcome Prof. Tania Cremonini de Araújo-Jorge to
deliver a keynote speech at the conference.
Dec. 18, 2014 News!
ICBER 2015 call for papers now.
The ICBER 2010 Proceeding has been indexed by